Tag Archives: environment

Experimenting on Ourselves

Mutant fishThe Post reports that “intersex” fish have been found in rivers throughout North America.  In some species, a third of all the male fish were growing eggs.

The study did not look into causes, but the articles notes that “scientists suspect that man-made pollutants from factories, farms or sewage plants may be driving natural hormone systems haywire.”  These pollutants include a cocktail of pharmaceuticals, from birth control to mood-altering medications.

Beyond shemale fish, the real problem  is that whatever is in the water is likely getting into us as well, as the pharma problem affects many human water sources in the developed world.

This is one of the more likely paths to some global medical disaster like that in Children of Men, in which all women become sterile.  We are doing an experiment on ourselves on a mass basis; let’s hope the results aren’t too dire.